SharePoint 2013 Foundation (SPF) and Server (SPS) SharePoint 2010 Foundation (SPF) and Server (SPS) Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 / Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007
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Reference: URL Settings Parameters

About URL-overridable Settings

When the Override Web Part and filter settings from URL parameters check box is ticked (in Web Part settings), every Web Part setting is overridden by the appropriate URL (query string) parameter value, if it exists. See the possible parameter names and values below.

Note: a URL override of any given Web Part setting will affect all PeopleZen User Profile Web Parts present on the current Web Part Page with the Override Web Part and filter settings from URL parameters option ticked.

Overridable Web Part Settings

  • people_AllowSort — overrides the Allow interactive ad-hoc sorting setting (when using List View). A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_AllowView — overrides the Allow interactive view switching setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_CurUser — overrides the Show only the Current User profile setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_DateThisYear — overrides the Ignore year setting used for date-based filtering. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_FilterLive — overrides the Use Ajax-based live filtering setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_GroupByCounts — overrides the When grouping, sort by counts instead of group values setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_GroupDesc — overrides the When grouping, sort descending setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_GroupInteractive — overrides the Allow interactive ad-hoc change of the grouping property setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_GroupInteractiveDir — overrides the Allow interactive ad-hoc change of grouping direction (ascending / descending) setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_GroupProp — overrides the Group by property setting. The URL parameter value needs to the internal name of a User Profile property existing in your SharePoint environment (e.g. SPS-Birthday).
  • people_GroupShowCounts — overrides the Show counts in group headers setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_ImageHeight — overrides the Custom height of user profile pictures setting. Use a URL parameter value of '0' to fall back to CSS-supplied defaults, or any higher number to specify the image height.
  • people_ListStyle — overrides the Display Style setting. Use a URL parameter value of '1' for List View, or '0' for Tiles.
  • people_LoaderAnim — overrides the Loading animation setting. Use a URL parameter value of 'k' for Progress bar, 'l' for Spinner, or 'b' for None.
  • people_NameMode — overrides the Render user names setting. Use a URL parameter value of '0' for No, '1' for Yes, linked to public profile, '2' for Yes, linked to personal page or '3' for Yes, but do not link.
  • people_PageSize — overrides the Paging setting. A URL parameter value of '0' (or any other number less than '1') disables paging, any higher number specifies the maximum number of profiles per page.
  • people_PictMode — overrides the Render user profile pictures setting. Use a URL parameter value of '0' for No, '1' for Yes, linked to public profile, '2' for Yes, linked to personal page or '3' for Yes, but do not link.
  • people_Presence — overrides the Indicate OCS / IM online presence setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_RowSize — overrides the In rows of... setting (when using Tiles). Use a URL parameter value of '0' (or any other number less than '1') to not enforce rows, or any higher number to specify the maximum number of profiles per row.
  • people_SortDesc — overrides the Sort descending setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_SortProp — overrides the Sort by property setting. The URL parameter value needs to the internal name of a User Profile property existing in your SharePoint environment (e.g. SPS-Birthday).
  • people_TabInteractive — overrides the Allow interactive ad-hoc change of the quick-filter tab property setting. A URL parameter value of '1' activates the setting, '0' deactivates it.
  • people_TabProp — overrides the Show tabs to quickly filter by setting. The URL parameter value needs to the internal name of a User Profile property existing in your SharePoint environment (e.g. SPS-Birthday).
  • people_TileWidth — overrides the Tile width setting. Use a CSS-compatible width setting (such as for example 100px, 10%, 3cm...)