SharePoint 2013 Foundation (SPF) and Server (SPS) SharePoint 2010 Foundation (SPF) and Server (SPS) Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 / Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007
SPF & SPS 2013 • 2010 • 2007
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Configuration Settings

The following configuration settings are available to administrative users on the Configuration page in your PeopleZen Studio, which you can access via Site Settings / PeopleZen Studio / Configuration Settings.

Each setting has a global value scoped to the SharePoint server farm, and this value can optionally be overridden on the Site Collection level. The following settings are available:

User Interface Language

PeopleZen has been localized for multiple languages. In addition to English and German, if you have added partial translations in other languages (via Site Settings / PeopleZen Studio / DIY User Interface Localization), these languages will be available for selection here. Changing this setting affects all PeopleZen user interfaces except captions and descriptions of Features, List Templates, Column Types, Content Types or Web Part Templates (those are always loaded directly by SharePoint based on the current Web Site locale).

You can pick one of the following options on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio:

  • (Like site, or English)
  • English
  • Deutsch

Window target for data record Name/Title links

Data record "Name/Title" links produced by the PeopleZen Web Part can target an HTML window of your choice. Use _self for these links to open in the current browser window, _blank for them to open in a new window, _modal for them to open in a modal pop-up dialog window, _popup for a (SP2010 or newer) "modal" in-page popup, or the name of an IFRAME or FRAME element residing in your Web Part Page.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:


HTML template for email addresses

The HTML to be generated by the PeopleZen Web Part for all data record field values that are email addresses. Valid placeholders: {0} for the email address, {1} for { and {2} for }.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:

<a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>

HTML template for vCard export links

The HTML to be generated by the PeopleZen Web Part for vCard export links. Valid placeholders: {0} for the vCard export URL, {1} for { and {2} for }.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:

<a href="{0}"><img src="/_layouts/images/outl.gif"/></a>

HTML template for record field with value

The HTML to be generated by the PeopleZen Web Part (in Tiles view) for each data field that has a value. Valid placeholders: {0} for the field display name, {1} for the field value, {2} for the field internal name, {3} for { and {4} for }.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:

{0}: <span>{1}</span>

HTML template for record field without value

The HTML to be generated by the PeopleZen Web Part (in Tiles view) for each data field that has no value. Valid placeholders: {0} for the field display name, {1} for the localized word 'unknown', {2} for the field internal name, {3} for { and {4} for }.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:

{0}: &mdash;

Exclude all record fields without values (in Tiles view)

By default, the PeopleZen Web Part generates an HTML block element (in Tiles view) for each data field included per its Web Part settings, even when no field value has been set for a particular data record. On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box to never generate any HTML output (in Tiles view) for empty data fields.

Separator for multi-valued record fields

Some data fields (such as for example Skills or Responsibilities in Farm User Profiles) can store multiple values. Specify how to join these values together for rendering in the PeopleZen Web Part.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:


Position of Navigation Bar

Your PeopleZen Web Parts may show a navigation bar containing paging links [Back | Next], the interactive View switcher [Tiles | List] and/or an animated loading progress indicator. Select where this navigation bar should be placed.

You can pick one of the following options on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio:

  • Top (but below quick-filter tabs)
  • Both top and bottom
  • Bottom

Column caption for 'Name' special Data Source field

Specifies the default column caption for the 'Name' special Data Field in the tabular "List View" style. To show NO column caption, instead of clearing this field use three underscores: ___

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:


Threshold before reducing quick-filter tabs

By default, quick-filter tabs are generated so that all tabs correspond to existing data field values. This is preferable for multi-choice properties (such as for example Skills, Responsibilities etc. for Farm User Profiles) but less usable for potentially vast numbers of values (First Name, Last Name...) — therefore, beyond a certain number of values quick-filter tabs will be reduced to alphabetic or numeric indices (A, B, C...)

Use this setting to specify that threshold. If you don't specify a valid integer number between 2 and 50, the default value of 16 will be used.

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:


Always hide the [Empty] quick-filter tab

By default, a quick-filter tab will be added to show data records without a value for the quick-filter field (but only if such records exist). On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box to never show that quick-filter tab.

Always show the [All] quick-filter tab

When using quick-filter tabs, by default the first quick-filter tab will be initially selected and there is no way for end users to show "all data records, unfiltered". On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box to always add an [All] quick-filter tab that shows all data records unfiltered (and to always make this the initially-selected tab, too).

Always reverse the sort order of quick-filter tabs

On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box to sort quick-filter tabs descending rather than ascending.

Normalize international characters in quick-filter tabs

Experiment with this setting if the values used in your quick-filter tabs use non-ASCII international characters and your quick-filter tabs look unexpected or non-usable.

Embedding of connected FilterZen Web Parts

By default, the Interactive Filters container area of a FilterZen Web Part will be visually embedded inside the PeopleZen Web Part it is connected to (if Ajax-based Live Filtering has been enabled for the latter). This usually results in a preferable user experience, but this setting allows you to turn the behaviour off, should you want to.

You can pick one of the following options on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio:

  • Yes (no top border)
  • Yes
  • No

Local text comparison mode for certain Data Source connection providers

For filtering that is performed not at the Data Source side but directly by PeopleZen at the SharePoint side, you can select the string comparison algorithm used to filter based on textual (rather than numeric or date) data field values.

You can pick one of the following options on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio:

  • "Invariant" (neutral) locale
  • Current locale
  • Ordinal

AJAX-based lazy loading of data records after page render (typically not preferable)

Unless disabled below, all interactive end user re-adjustments of information shown in a PeopleZen Web Part refresh its display asynchronously (without reloading the page) via AJAX; however, when the page is first rendered, the initial display of the PeopleZen Web Part is by default already loaded and pre-populated at render time. Unless this significantly (!) slows down the rendering time of the entire page, this is the preferable and more end user-friendly approach. On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box to never load and show data records at render time and instead lazy-load them via AJAX once the full page is ready and fully loaded client-side.

Disable AJAX-based handling (not recommended)

Certain end-user interactions (such as paging forwards or back, re-sorting, re-grouping or re-filtering) are handled by PeopleZen using AJAX, without reloading the entire page. This highly preferable behavior however can break in certain very rare FBA / ISA constellations or other kinds of highly customized enterprise VPN / proxy setups. On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box to disable all AJAX-based interactions and revert to a page-reloading, post-back style of handling user interaction.

ADO.NET Database Connection Providers for SQL Data Access

Specify the ADO.NET database connection providers that your Database/SQL Data Sources should support (one per line, using the pattern "Provider display name: full provider IDbConnection Type name, full assembly name").

After you have customized this setting, you can click the Reset to Default Value link on the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio to restore the following default value:

SQL Server: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data
Oracle: System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient
ODBC: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection, System.Data
OLE DB: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data

Preferred SSP name for 'Farm User Profiles' Data Sources (MOSS 2007 only; best left blank)

We recommend to leave this blank in order to use the runtime-default Shared Service Provider.

Experimental option (MOSS 2007 only) -- do not tick unless so instructed by ROXORITY

Experimental option (MOSS 2007 only) -- do not tick unless so instructed by ROXORITY technical support.

No default instances of PeopleZen configurables on the Site Collection level (NOT recommended!)

Configurables are lists of items for defining and customizing the behaviors of this software (such as Export Actions in ExportZen, Data Sources and Data Field Templates in PeopleZen, Print Views and Print Launchers in PrintZen, Upload Actions in UploadZen). By default, each Site Collection has its own non-removable default instance that can be customized and to which additional instances can be added. In extensive farm setups (1000s of Site Collections), these default instances may be a hindrance and using only custom farm-level instances may be preferable. Tick this option to never provide the default instance on the Site Collection level.

By default, no inclusion of jQuery library v1.8.3 (NOT recommended)

Some PeopleZen end user-facing artifacts may require, and load into the respective host pages, the jQuery library. Embedding jQuery more than once in a single page can sometimes cause issues. On the Configuration page in the PeopleZen Studio, tick this check box only if your master pages, web pages or third-party extensions also already include jQuery globally (not just on some individual pages) and do so independently of PeopleZen, to prevent PeopleZen from loading jQuery redundantly. If you do so, you need to make sure jQuery (any version higher than 1.4 BUT lower than 1.9) is loaded on each page also hosting PeopleZen user interface artifacts, or PeopleZen will appear broken. This is a global default setting that may be optionally overridden locally where applicable.