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SPF & SPS 2013 • 2010 • 2007
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Sorting and Grouping

Select Edit Web Part from the PeopleZen Web Part menu and in the settings tool-pane, scroll down to the Sorting and Grouping section:


First note that there is always a sort order applied to all PeopleZen team listings, the default order of people is never random. The default sort order is ascending by user display name. You can customize this by selecting a different user profile field from the Sort by: drop-down menu.

Numeric fields and date values are not sorted alphabetically, but rather numerically or chronologically.

In List View, you can optionally allow end users to change the sort field and direction (ascending or descending) interactively on-the-fly (re-sorting via column headers) — inside the Display Style section rather than the Paging section.


By default, user profiles are not grouped, but you can group them by any user profile field by selecting it from the Group by: drop-down menu. For example, grouping by the Department field may first show all user profiles belonging to the Engineering department, then all belonging to the Finance department, then the HR department, IT and so on, all under a respective grouping header in each case.

The order of the group headers is ascending by default but can be changed to descending. This uses the grouping field's value by default, unless you tick the ...but by counts instead of group values check-box option. To show the number of profiles belonging to each group in parentheses right after the group header, tick the Show counts in group headers check-box option.

You can allow end users to change the group sort field and direction (ascending or descending) interactively on-the-fly, by ticking the Allow interactive ad-hoc change of the grouping property selected above and/or Allow interactive ad-hoc change of grouping direction (ascending / descending) check-box options.