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Windows Integrated Authentication and Forms-based Authentication (FBA)

This topic only applies to the legacy Windows Uploader mode and is for reference in legacy systems only. You will likely use the newer (and default) Web Uploader mode in production instead, and can safely skip this topic.

Preventing Common Authorization Problems

Attempts to launch UploadZen from a Document Library may yield a HTTP 401 error message, or UploadZen may repeatedly prompt for a user name and password that won't work even when specified correctly for a Full Access account, unless and until you take all administrative actions required to prepare a Web Application for UploadZen.

Automatic Authentication (Single Sign-On) Attempts vs. Log-In Prompts

Under certain circumstances, UploadZen users may be prompted to log in to SharePoint:

Generally, UploadZen will attempt to log users in to SharePoint automatically, if and only if:

  • the SharePoint Web Application from which UploadZen is launched uses the Windows Integrated authentication mode, and
  • the user who launched UploadZen was logged in to SharePoint as the same Windows user account used to run their Internet Explorer process.

Consequently, users may be prompted by UploadZen to log in to SharePoint:

  • if the SharePoint Web Application from which UploadZen is launched uses the Forms-based Authentication (FBA) mode, or
  • if the user who launched UploadZen was logged in to SharePoint with a different user name than the one they used to run their Internet Explorer process, or
  • if they never ticked the Internet Explorer check box 'Remember my password' when signing in to SharePoint, or
  • if their Internet Explorer or Windows security settings prevented Windows from caching their user credentials for this SharePoint Web Application for later use by other trusted applications, or
  • if UploadZen was denied access to previously cached Windows default credentials for the SharePoint Web Application for any other reasons.

Saving User Passwords Locally

When users are prompted by UploadZen to log in to SharePoint, they can elect for UploadZen to store their encrypted password in the Windows Registry Local User hive and use it automatically in future upload sessions. To disable this option for your some or all of your users, consult the appropriate server-side configuration setting.