Solution Installation & Deployment - UploadZen: Documentation - ROXORITY ™ Sensational SharePoint Solutions
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Solution Installation & Deployment

CAUTION: even after you have completed the steps outlined on this page, deployment is not yet complete. Immediately after successfully completed installation, read the Deployment Checklist documentation topic on how to prepare your IIS web server for allowing access to UploadZen over remote connections.

1. The UploadZen Setup Package

The UploadZen setup package (the file) is a zipped archive containing:

  • Deploy.exe - A graphical user interface (GUI) setup wizard for installing and deploying, or retracting and uninstalling UploadZen to and from a SharePoint server farm, to be run by an Administrator user on the primary SharePoint farm or web front-end server.
  • doc - A folder containing this product documentation in Microsoft Compiled HTML (CHM) format.
  • Additional supporting files that are required for Deploy.exe to run and must neither be modified nor removed.
Extract the setup package to any file-system folder. Do not just run Deploy.exe directly from inside the setup archive — it needs to run from a file system directory that also contains all the supporting files from the setup archive.

2. Installing the UploadZen Solution Package

Run Deploy.exe and when the Welcome screen is displayed, click Next to start a series of system checks. To proceed with the installation, all system checks need to succeed:

Click Next and on the following screen, read and confirm the End-User License Agreement (EULA). Click Next to see all the Web Applications UploadZen will be deployed to. (The solution package contains no web application-scoped resources and can only be deployed or retracted globally, i.e. across the entire server farm.)

Click Next to start the installation and wait for the deployment jobs to complete. This process can take up to a few minutes.

After deployment has completed, review the installation log:

Once you have successfully completed the setup wizard, the UploadZen Upload Multiple Files menu item becomes available immediately in all Upload menus of any Document Library Views throughout the previously selected Web Applications.

CAUTION: at this point, deployment is not yet complete. Open any one of the documentation or Product Center links shown on the Finished page of the Setup wizard and read the Deployment Checklist documentation topic on how to prepare your IIS web server for allowing access to UploadZen over remote connections.