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« Bulk Folder Uploads, Server-side ZIP Handling, Dynamically Generated ZIPs | Client-Side Settings »

"How Do I...?" Recipes

Disabling the UploadZen menu item for a particular Site Collection

Open the Product Configuration page in the UploadZen Product Center for the Site Collection that UploadZen should be disabled for, and locate the check boxes for the following two configuration settings:

  • Don't hide the 'Upload Multiple Documents' out-of-the-box menu item even when UploadZen is available
  • Never show the 'Upload Multiple Files' UploadZen menu item

Do not tick these check boxes just yet (this would disable UploadZen throughout your server-farm). Next to each check box, un-tick the Use farm setting check box, then tick the check box that now shows directly underneath.

Disabling the UploadZen menu item for the entire server farm, except a particular Site Collection

Open the Product Configuration page in the UploadZen Product Center for the one Site Collection that UploadZen should be enabled for, and locate check boxes for the two configuration settings mentioned in the above section. Tick both check boxes, then next to each check box, un-tick the Use farm setting check box and for both settings un-tick the check box that now shows directly underneath.

Linking to the UploadZen window launcher manually

While the UploadZen Upload Multiple Files menu item is automatically integrated into the Upload menu of Document Libraries (subject to client-side .NET Framework availability and server-side configuration settings), depending on your circumstances you may want to invoke the UploadZen window in other ways. You can do so simply by redirecting users to a URL conforming to the pattern http://SERVER/_layouts/roxority_UploadZen/app/roxUp.application?PARAMS, where:

  • you replace the SERVER part with the domain name, machine name or virtual host name (and port number if applicable) of the SharePoint Web Application hosting the target Document Library.
    • It is important to never use in place of SERVER any fully qualified site collection URLs or web site URLs, but instead to always use only the domain, machine or virtual host name so that the root _layouts virtual folder of your Web Application will be addressed.
    • For example, if your web site URL is http://our_sharepoint/sites/test/docs/, to link to roxUp.application you should neither use http://our_sharepoint/sites/test/docs/_layouts/... nor http://our_sharepoint/sites/test/_layouts/... — you should just use http://our_sharepoint/_layouts/... Even if there is no such SharePoint site collection or web site, such a link will work, and _layouts paths that are not at the URL root will not.
  • you replace PARAMS with a URL query string, ie. a series of name=value pairs joined by & characters. Supply at least the required s, l and f parameters, the others optionally as needed:
    • s: the full URL of the SharePoint web site containing the Document Library (required)
    • l: the name of the initial target Document Library (required)
    • f: the Document Library-relative path to the initial target Document Library folder (required; leave blank for root folder)
    • t: the title of the SharePoint web site containing the Document Library
    • cl: 1 to allow users to change to another target Document Library directly inside the UploadZen window, 0 to never allow this
    • cf: 1 to allow users to change to another target Document Library folder directly inside the UploadZen window, 0 to never allow this
    • w: 1 if the current SharePoint web application uses Windows Integrated Authentication mode, 0 if it is in Forms-based Authentication (FBA) mode
    • z: Unzipping of uploaded ZIP archive files. UploadZen can just put an uploaded ZIP archive file into the current Document Library target folder as a single file, or extract all of its files and sub-folders in place. 0 to let users decide for themselves, 1 to always unzip, or 2 to never unzip on the SharePoint server side.
    • c: 1 to show, 0 to hide the Settings tab in the UploadZen window
    • d: 1 to disable, 0 to allow users to store their encrypted SharePoint log-in password in the Windows Registry
    • li: the current UploadZen license. Use t for Evaluation / Trial, m for Micro, s for Standard, p for Professional or e for Enterprise.
    • be: all file extensions blocked for upload on the SharePoint web application level (SPWebApplication.BlockedFileExtensions), separated by comma
Note: the cl, cf, z, c and d parameters correspond to server-side configuration settings documented here. If you do not specify these parameters, the UploadZen window will not use the current server-side configuration settings but factory defaults.

Example: you want to create a link to the UploadZen window to upload files to the Project Templates/Our Team folder in the Our Docs Document Library located in the http://oursharepoint/sites/DocCenter/Projects/ web site. The following link would do this — without the line breaks included here only for better readability:


If you are generating your links through your own server-side code or client script, it is recommended that you also specify a u URL query string parameter with the current user login name. The u parameter will ensure:

  • that the user name text box for logging in Forms-based Authentication (FBA) users from the UploadZen window is already filled out correctly, saving them time and potentially avoiding confusion,
  • and that users who are currently logged in to SharePoint with user credentials other than their current Windows user account will stay under those alternative credentials even when uploading from UploadZen.