Adding an "Advanced Search" interface to any List or Web Part in no time -- with the new on-the-fly Filters - SharePoint Zen - ROXORITY ™ Sensational SharePoint Solutions
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Adding an "Advanced Search" interface to any List or Web Part in no time -- with the new on-the-fly Filters

We just introduced an outstanding new feature to FilterZen: the Dynamic Ad-Hoc Filters that give you a full-fledged Advanced Search user interface for any connected Web Part, and fully pre-populated with applicable, hierarchically nestable filter fields for any SharePoint List:

Previously, content managers, site designers or admins pre-configured individual filters with the proper settings for their end-users, but those had no way of customizing these. While this is still a valid use-case for many projects, with the new Dynamic Ad-Hoc Filters, end users can arrange and combine their own filters on the fly to search the List, Data View or other Web Part in a way that suits them in their individual, current situation.

  • End-users can AND/OR combine multiple filters on the fly.
  • The appropriate rich editors (date controls and people pickers) are shown when a field is selected, without a page post-back.
  • End users can also search for "any field", for example "show me records where any field contains iron".
  • Setting this up is a breeze, and admins can pre-define which fields and operators are allowed:

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