SharePoint 2013 Foundation (SPF) and Server (SPS) SharePoint 2010 Foundation (SPF) and Server (SPS) Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 / Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007
SPF & SPS 2013 • 2010 • 2007
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Settings for Export Actions

The following settings can be customized for each Export Action by administrative users on the Export Actions page in your ExportZen Studio, accessible via Site Settings / ExportZen Studio / Export Actions:

"Menu Item and Integration" tab:

Name for this Export Action

(Text box)

This name will typically not be visible on content pages to end users, but helps you stay organized.

This Export Action is...

(Descriptor for a set of SharePoint Web Sites)

Optionally select in which web sites this Export Action will be available. By default, it will be available in all web sites and this usually does not need to be changed during your first explorations within this software. Only perform changes if you are familiar with the terminology presented in the above property editor. Should your changes not result in the expected outcome, you can always easily set this back to "all web sites, no exceptions" and then resume experimenting incrementally with your exceptions.

To define the set of Web Sites, first select either Available in all Web Sites or Available in no Web Sites, then click the except... link to describe which web sites to exclude from that selection. You can exclude:

  • the root Web Site (of the respectively-current Site Collection)
  • Web Sites based on the selected site definitions
  • or Web Sites with the specified titles, URL path fragments or IDs.

Show ExportZen menu item in the following Lists

(Descriptor for a set of SharePoint Lists and Views)

Select in which Lists this export action will be offered as a menu item to end users (in the SharePoint 2007 "Actions" toolbar menu and in the SharePoint 2010 "Connect and Export" ribbon group (both only if the "ExportZen List Integration" Site Collection feature is activated too and for List Views, only with their Toolbar Type property set to Full or Show, not Summary or None).

To define the set of Lists, first select either Show in all Lists or Show in no Lists, then click the except... link to describe which Lists to exclude from that selection. You can exclude:

  • Lists of the selected base types
  • Lists of the selected template types
  • Lists of the selected base templates
  • or Lists with the specified names or IDs.

To define the set of Views, first select either Show in all Views or Show in no Views, then click the except... link to describe which Views to exclude from that selection. You can exclude:

  • the default View
  • hidden Views
  • personal Views
  • or Views with the specified names or IDs.

ExportZen menu item caption

(Text box)

Specify the caption for this CSV export action to be shown in the export menu item for the Lists specified above. (If you do not specify a caption, the above name for this export action will be used, or if blank, its internal ID.)

Default value for new Export Actions:


ExportZen menu item description

(Text box)

Specify the description for this CSV export action to be shown in the export menu item for the Lists specified above.

"Column Layout and Export Contents" tab:

Export columns

(Text box)

Specify the List Columns (one per line) to include in that order in output CSV data files generated by this export action. (To rename a Column in the exported CSV, enter the List Column name, followed by a colon (:) and the CSV column name.) Be sure those Columns will be available in the exported List, otherwise the CSV column will remain empty.

If you clear this setting and keep it blank, the export will include all available View Columns shown.

Default value for new Export Actions:


Export all item version history in separate column

(Text box)

Optional: if you'd like ExportZen to append an additional column recording all version history per item (only for the Columns specified above, in a simple plain-text format), specify your preferred name for this CSV column here. Leave blank to not append a version history column.

Not applicable to .

Export item version history in separate rows, one per version

(Check box option)

Instead of keeping all version history in a single column, you can export each version in the history to its own row. These versions will appear underneath the data item row, in descending sort order, and in this case you'll need a separate CSV column to denote the version number of each history record. You need to enter this CSV column name (for example 'Version') above this check-box option if ticked.

Not applicable to .

Exclude the header row with column names

(Check box option)

By default, ExportZen exports always begin with a header row denoting all column names. Tick this check-box option to skip this header row in your exports and instead only include raw data records.

Export current View

(Check box option)

If ticked, this export action only ever exports items included in the currently displayed List View, applying the View-defined default sort orders and filters (but not currently user-applied live sort order, filters or paging); otherwise, all List items are exported, unfiltered and in their original sort order.

Not applicable to .

Ignore paging in PeopleZen exports

(Check box option)

Even if the PeopleZen Web Part to be exported is paged, if this check-box option is ticked then all user profiles belonging to the Web Part are exported, instead of just those included in the currently shown page.

Ignore quick-filter tabs in PeopleZen exports

(Check box option)

Even if the PeopleZen Web Part to be exported is tabbed, if this check-box option is ticked then all user profiles belonging to the Web Part are exported, instead of just those included in the currently shown tab.

Respect currently applied filters (FilterZen only)

(Check box option)

If ticked, this export action only ever exports items included in the filtering currently applied to the applicable List View (only supports filters supplied by a currently connected FilterZen Filter Web Part).

"Formatting Options" tab:

Column value separator

(Drop-down menu to pick from a set of choices)

Change to semicolon if your users intend to only ever open these CSV exports in Microsoft Office Excel AND their Excel version displays all comma-separated column values in a single cell (some internationalized Excel versions do that, some don't).

  • Comma
    recommended default separator for most CSV-consuming apps
  • Semicolon
    alternative CSV format required by some international Excel versions
  • Tab
    some CSV-consuming apps actually require TSV (tab-separated values)

Apply UNIX-style escaping

(Check box option)

If un-ticked, ExportZen generates CSV data files using escaping patterns (for critical characters such as commas, line-breaks and quotes) that software written for Windows or Office is more likely to read flawlessly. Tick this check box to generate CSV data files using UNIX-style escaping patterns instead (only recommended if you get errors while feeding your exported CSV data files to other, non-Office software).

Export locale

(Culture picker)

This setting controls how numbers and dates are represented in this export. For example, dates may be stored in an US format (due to your SharePoint installation) but your export consumers may use a different-locale version of Excel (such as for example German), which would then mis-read and mis-represent factually-correct, but US-formatted date values. Keep the default choice to start with and experiment as needed if results do not meet expectations.

The drop-down menu provides all standard-defined regions. You can also choose from the following "dynamic" cultures:

  • Server-side 'current' locale — the culture currently set to use by default for the Windows and/or ASP.NET installation on the server
  • Web site locale — the culture selected under Site Settings / Regional Settings
  • User account locale — the culture selected for the current end user account unter My Settings / Regional Settings
  • Server-side installation locale — the culture of the Windows installation on the server
  • User agent (browser) locale — the browser-supplied 'preferred culture' hint

The default choice is: Server-side 'current' locale.

Export encoding

(Encoding picker)

Only if your exports contain international characters that don't look as expected in external software importing this export should you start experimenting with different export encodings. The Unicode / UTF encodings are the recommended choices to test before trying other encodings. Keep this set to Default UNLESS your exported contents are not decoded correctly by external software that needs to consume this export in production.

The drop-down menu provides all standard-defined text encodings. The default choice is: Server-side default encoding, meaning the default encoding defined for the Windows and/or ASP.NET installation on the server.

Prepend UTF-8 byte order mark

(Check box option)

ONLY tick this option if you selected the UTF-8 encoding above AND your exported contents are not decoded correctly by the external software that needs to consume this export in production. Recommended for opening UTF-8 exports in Excel.